The delerious art of Croy Dantini, I love!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Folk songs are on their way in, and it's another socialist movement

I have noticed, then enjoyed then truly appreciated the new uprising in folksy, sensitive ol' timey musics return to our choices in music of late. If you have not noticed then you don't love good music. If you don't know who Angus and Julia are or Annalivia or...the latest folksters, well, i feel for ya. If you have not witnessed an uprising...a springing forth of good sensitive works in the musical atmosphere...let me tell you, you are on the wrong channel...choosing the wrong stations, lacking in intelligence or just plain (sadly) not very well informed.

I suggest you take a YouTube ride...find out what is happening in folk music. Rap is on it's way out...lemme tell you why. Rap music has some politically sound "rebel yelling" in it a socialist bent at times,'s downright degrading to the black race as a whole. The black human race deserves a better artistic pallet and platform...they come from kings as men, and Divinity like the rest of us... we all descend from the same stardust...we all carry divine stuff in us, we all deserve a better platform to fall from, than that rap business.

Now that we have had many years to examine it...we can see there was just not enough of goodness in the lyrics, to sustain it and hold it, for very long. There was nothing really juicy (to the soul) to bite might have had sexy, and it may have been catchy to some...but rap "music" is kind of like a handsome con-artist that you don't mind talkin' to, but would NOT want to call your friend.

It isn't something that has a lasting form or' is going down and i am glad of it.  I feel that it degraded men, it degraded women and called little babies moms, dirty whores...and they accepted that, and sometimes lived it, in response. It was, is...was basically foul, and not in any way nurturing to the human form flesh or nature which is incredible and magical. Rap aggrandized a mobster mentality, and shut down any really good thoughts on living life, in my opinion. It exposed the negative to the point (of no return to positivity)... of making one disgusted by the twists of life that hurt mankind. Unlike it's virtual opposite and one of my favorite genre spoke to us as if God was dead, nothing like that (excepting maybe the scientific community) can last. Basically rap music spelled out that all hope was lost, that these times were dark, and the only goodness in rap, was the spirit of warring against that which ties and binds man.

The one replenishing point was that it sometimes spoke out that "I can take it all, I am a warrior".
Okay yeah,  I give rap that, as a stance against has that to keep it somewhat acceptable. But the (blind to it's own faults) aspect in the genre of rap music...the lack of gratitude in it, is what is gonna take it out of the musical equation. In not so many years people are going to look back and say to themselves "What were we even thinking, putting that junk on the airwaves?" Letting little children hear all that madness? Who had pulled the wool over our eyes? How was that kind of b.s. even acceptable?

The things worth paying attention to on on the rise. Gratitude is calling to us. Time to stop making out like all of that crap is worth listening to. It really isn't much, rhythmically or lyrically. These rap artist "poets" should get an education, they should definitely write,  but they should change it up and ripen into responsible adults...get with the program. You defy me, you are basically whining about everything wrong, and ignoring everything that is right in the world. there is so much that IS many beautiful, heartfelt women to much to be thankful for. I have never had money...i have never had opportunity placed in my path...i have struggled, been deeply involved in life's underbelly, myself...been down and out with drug addictions, been stuck in fear so strong that it took me out of life's equation countless times.

Learned that the brain itself can be a mans worst enemy, I have come to in mental wards, remembering the demons that were pressing me hard...just moments before. I have lived a so called hard life, been molested as a child and tortured by that as a young woman. I was abused for years by a husband who didn't know the full measure of my deep commitment to him, to us. I was often raped, throughout my life and learned to chalk it up to a bad day or night...but i cannot abide the flavor of rap...or thus...I cannot abide the basic meaning behind the scar on music that rap has become.

Women are not meant to be objectified and vilified in that manner, men deserve better oh man if I could just sit down with every rapper...if i could just say okay tell me all about how hard things have been...tell me how your parents were not there for you...mine too..let me tell you how I survived mine. Let me tell you how I still loved, still lived without fear, kept hope, did dope but never needed a gun to call myself strong. Hurt by many but never let any man or woman get me down so low that i wanted to do them real harm. Let me rap to you about the degradation in government yeah, but tell me now, can you not get a free ride to college? Yes you probably can, I know I could. Let me tell i have walked by many of them with their weapons, all sneering and glaring at me, some smiling...and how I was never afraid...knowing that I was in jeopardy of my dignity and life...if anyone of them moved on base instinct to act unjustifiably toward me to harm me. I knew that my life was worth more than the undignified fear that played at the outskirts of my being. I knew that some higher mind connected me to them, that we were the same animal, that their pain was my pain, and mine was theirs.

Life connects when it does not destroy, and I had no malice toward them, which bred no malice for me. I thought of these gangs of young little brothers and I still do. I think they have been misread and mislead by hard circumstance. i think they have been molded wrong by absent parenting and by non-parents, and by misguided parents and not allowed inside the good parent or parents. They had been exposed to a lifestyle choice and they accepted, whether their parent figures were decent or lost. That did not make them bad folks, it made them followers...then some were made to feel they were leaders...but like the mob. There was always an element of derision, they were outsiders, they were sometimes ruthless killers.  Living outside the norm,  these people disobeyed the rules, dishonored the honor code that  average humans accept is necessary to obliterate some of life's chaotic modes...the rules are meant to deflect and defy systems are set into place to protect man from man, to protect woman from harm, to pull a child from an abusive environs, to feed the hungry, provide welfare... give a roof to the poor and under-educated, and to educate you, me, and anyone who seeks a softer road to tread.

That governmental educational system (of grants and loans) is in place to honor man woman and child, to become better through insight and understanding. Shared by those who would teach what they know about the way life moves and how we have opportunity to get into some flow with it, get into whatever flow we choose with their backing.

These systems of government do fail people, sure, and they don't fail people too.They provide a network of encouragement for so many. Even the most abused and misunderstood in government, the peacekeepers we call police are there for everyone. (Sometimes they take longer to get there depending on the neighborhood, and sometimes they don't)...still the police protect you from anyone who would harm you, whether they know you or don't. This civil servant has sworn to protect strangers from strangers, friend from kin,  human family from other human family, while forgoing any thought for their own family at home. they are poised to act for our government, as protectors of life and liberty, in a pretty vile and corrupted at times environment, for a mere paycheck and a lot of flack, usually. I for one think that, that is pretty much noble, and I see them as more than heroes. Who wants to be put into a position of having your life at risk on a daily basis, being hated by masses of people who don't understand you, and having to mediate for people all the time, when they are at their utmost craziest times? These men and women called police...they are willing to do what even your own family will often not do. That fact is pretty cool when you think about it a bit more deeply. Where your own family will not get into the depths of your darkness with you, a cop will certainly be there for ya, they may not come fast enough every single time, but they will come and they serve you, and they serve to protect you from harm. That isn't just a job it's a lifestyle of helping strangers and the pay is never enough. The smiles of gratitude, and the thanks they sometimes receive are possibly sometimes enough to keep them on the job, but the paycheck for doing more than a father, mother, sister or brother might do, that is not even enough in and of itself..they are paid heroes, like fire-fighters and medical personal. They saves lives at a moments notice, whether you like em or don't.

The civil servant gives you money for rent and clothing and food, if you don't have enough to get by, so long as you can show that you don't have it. Further still, much more than all that, governments do pay the bills. They will pay ones electricity, and gas for coal, steam, and piles of wood for the fire. They pay for cable (entertainment) and for trips to Disneyland if a person wants to fit that into the budget. Uncle Sam takes people out to dinner in restaurants, buys a little bit of whatever folks want or need. Why uncle Sam will even buy you some grass if that is how you choose to spend the dough. The government check is allotted to the poor and "underprivileged" to dispose of in any way they choose. You can pay rent or buy some dope. You may buy your girl a dress and take her out to dinner and a movie. Buy books and movies and study them to your hearts content. Do needle-point or get a big ol' television, give to charity and tithe it back to your church. Share some meals with your neighbor who needs a bite to eat or hoard it all to yourself. The check they give is to strengthen a nation of people who don't have it so good as the rest. There is a socialist undercurrent and it is good. People who complain about paying into the tax system that makes it work are selfish and indecent.

They have no clue how rough life is for many who need to partake of this basic human right to live as nearly as good as ones neighbors are living. This ideal is all about human rights. This IS about human dignity, it is about grace and sharing the lands resources. If someone complains about those losers taking their money to do such and should find it in your heart to say something in their stead. Those losers were born with less, or had circumstances that led to loss, and have travelled a much rockier road in life and that is why they have little, not because they do not deserve as much as the next guy. You see...just because a person  does not have as much, does not mean they deserve any less...sometimes
I was once hitch-hiking to get my high-school diploma when a woman who picked me up asked how I was earning a living. i told her I eked out a meager living on welfare,that my marriage had dissolved, and that I hoped getting an education would help me raise my three wonderful sons. She told me how she was raising my children with her taxes. I thought on that a bit, and how selfish she sounded and how uneducated she must be and I felt that i must be the smarter of us two and I had no diploma as yet! I never saw her there scrubbing the poopy diapers out by hand with me, because I had chosen to stop using paper diapers to save a bit of mess on the environment. I did not see her read to my children at night, every night, or singing them lullabies, to fall to sleep. i did not know if she ever sang a lullaby to a child but I had always done that. Done it with countless with babies I had watched from age nine onward, children that belonged to others...and I loved doing it, I loved other peoples babies...why couldn't this woman love mine?  Apparently Uncle Sam loved my babies...he paid my rent for me and gave us food. My government cared more than this lady who seemed proud to be from Phoenix who enjoyed the origins of that word, this woman who taught me that selfishness is alluring to many people, this lady who claimed to be descended from Phoenician's, and had some Greek blood running in her(cold) veins...she didn't want me to be able to feed my kids. She had the audacity to say she was raising my offspring, and she had never even kissed their sweet cheeks, not once, or held their hard through a rough moment, or washed one boo boo. Never cooked one meal for my babies.
I almost asked to get out of that ride, but what the heck i told myself, let this ugly-hearted person sit a bit longer and bask in my motherly glow, maybe she somehow deserved to be near as good a mother as I was, maybe some would rub off on her...should she ever let up on her selfish ways and decide to have some children of her very own. No wonder she was childless, she hated kids.

The American welfare system may strengthen men so that they appear to have enough, until they can get on their feet in actually, and get even more. it is not a weakening agent. Govt welfare systems are a strength-thing. They step in where jobs don't, they hold you up when no one else can or will. They don't just promise to care for you, they do care and you make it month to month and day to day until maybe you get out...get into a work-program and gain more ability, you get into school and find a decent job eventually...they are there functioning as they should...holding you up in the treading of deep scary water, hoping to help you gain balance to swim to the edge and climb up...and even to teach you how to dive...and  maybe to win the Olympics one day.
We all know that everyone isn't Olympic material, but those that are...they won't need to keep taking from a government institution. The American institution of welfare is there for those who need it, and fades into the past once a person can more thoroughly help themselves. But steps in again at any stumble...there is something really caring about that. It is the way things should be. I like to think, it is the way our forefathers would have wanted it to be. A helping hand in a storm. Not expecting anything back but some show of success, no thank yous are even necessary or expected. Justice is found in the American welfare system. People are born to some very harsh circumstances in this world. People who have nearly every little thing in common with those who are both to wealth and fame and a life of ease, excepting that same kind of easy path to tread when we arrive. Now i know that no mans path is nothing but ease... and that we all have a cross to bear at some points in life. That Life itself would not let ANYONE off (this ride) without some challenges, for how would that result in any kind of evolutionary process, and we are here to effectively evolve, aren't we? Mathematically? Surrealistically? Magically? good ole timey folksy music is defiantly...definitely back on the rise. And good ol' timey barn dancing is back and it's even in the cities. They're calling it Contra Dance...or Old English Dance...but it is basically a hootenanny and it is great fun, and a helluva good way to meet your neighbors and your community. Not expensive, and often a pot-lucky, sortie snack-time is in the offerings as well. Got to have a energy break and get a little yummy bite of something between letting your dancing feet glide. The dances usually run for a couple of hours or so, children are welcome...nice people like Contra isn't for the stuck-up, the selfish-hearted folks or the fancy! It's good for me though, and it's good for the social folks who know that life is for living and we all deserve it and we all deserve to dance a bit.

I do so get off the subject, or so it seems.

But I always know where i am heading...that is reassuring.



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